Carolina cortes

Carolina Cortés


Medical Specialist in Occupational Health Management with more than 17 years of experience.

As COO, Carolina has primary responsibility for leading all administrative and financial areas. Since joining the organization 9 years ago, her goal has been promoting safe and healthy work environments that contribute to the mutual success of employees and businesses with sustainable growth.

Fabian Suarez

Fabián Suárez


He is the founder and current CEO. He leads the processes from understanding customer needs to creating communication strategies.


Our team comprises a group of professionals and specialists in different fields. However, their titles do not represent the greatness of their gifts and virtues; their energy, kindness, learning capacity, and multiple talents are valuable to our company.

Virginia Mora
Virginia Mora
Process Leader
Meykel Zambrano
Meykel Zambrano
Brand Care – Head of Art
Sofia Cruz
Sofía Cruz
Social Media Designer Specialist
Andrés Benavides
Andrés Benavides
Visual Art Master
Cristian Giraldo
Cristian Giraldo
Great Video Maker
Mariana León
Mariana León
Idea Alchemist
Camilo Barreto
Camilo Barreto
Digital Artist – Designer
Bryan García
Bryan García
3D Creator – Media Production
Ranfer Gallego
Ranfer Gallego
Interactive Media Creator
Voice Actor
Arturo Cedeño
Arturo Cedeño
Specialist in Sound Editing/Mixting
Hernán Jaimes
Hernán Jaimes
Voice Actor
Natalia Larrota
Natalia Larrota
International Financial Accounting Specialist
Mónica Cortés
Mónica Cortés
Anthropologist and Human Behavior Analyst
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